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April 24, 2017

Six Ways I Beat the Blues of Being a Team of One!

Most organizations contain teams – encompassing anything from just a few people to possibly 30 or more! But, have you ever worked for a company where there's a team of just one? I have. In fact, I've been that team of one on several occasions. I currently work as a temporary assistant, meaning that I'm essentially left […]

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April 18, 2017

#MTtalk: Meetings – Herding Cats and Taming Alligators

Meetings Are Melting Pots While many of us try to "fit in" to a specific workplace culture, meetings often highlight different ways of thinking and doing things. It's because of how meetings work: we put a group of people in a room together to make a decision or to reach an agreement. Then, we discover that […]

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March 17, 2017

Setting Boundaries When You’re Working From Home

It’s your time to shine: a leading worldwide broadcaster has arranged a live interview with you to pick your brains on your specialist subject. You're working from home, so you settle yourself down in your freshly tidied home office, launch Skype on your PC, take a deep breath… and in bursts your four-year-old daughter, who […]

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February 1, 2017

Your Top Tips for Minimizing Distractions

How many times have you been completely absorbed in your work, only to be ripped "out of the zone" by infuriating distractions? Then, when you try to get back to the task at hand, how long does it take you find the same level of focus? Workplace distractions can have a heavy cost on your […]

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January 4, 2017

How to Stop Your Workload From Snowballing During the Holidays

Like many of you, yesterday was my first day back in the office after what I had hoped would be a serene and calming Christmas holiday (but what became – as per usual – a non-stop cavalcade of cooking, wrapping up presents, cooking, meeting up with friends and family, and yet more cooking). Saying that, it was […]


October 6, 2016

Goal Setting: Don't Lose Motivation!

When we set ourselves a goal, we usually do so in a flush of enthusiasm and optimism. It can be a New Year's resolution to get that beach body for the summer holidays, or a determination to finally achieve that long-held career ambition. But, a few months later, we're guiltily brushing cookie crumbs from our still […]


August 23, 2016

#MTtalk: Overworked and Overwhelmed

"When you wake in the morning and are afraid of the day it is time to find the love deep in your heart." Tom Rhodes (@tomj_rhodes) "So that's it then," I said out loud to the imaginary friend sitting next to me. "That's what I need to do when I wake up feeling afraid of […]

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August 15, 2016

Distractions: Are They an Addiction?

About 3,000 years ago, King Solomon warned us, "Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions." In 2015, the Chicago Tribune's top 10 list of distractions ended with, "The most mind-blowing fact about distractions is that almost no one could possibly imagine... oh, look, it's a cat video!" Dealing with distractions has always been important. […]

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May 20, 2016

Multitasking – Myth and Mystery

In this post, People Alchemy founder Paul Matthews looks at how we can combine conscious and unconscious tasks to be truly productive. Can you really multitask efficiently? There are many people who swear that they can, and just as many studies that say they are fooling themselves, and that efficient multitasking is impossible. So what is the truth of […]

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May 13, 2016

Downtime Is Not a Waste of Time

Some people just seem unable to switch off. They see downtime as a waste of time, and any interruption or delay to their increasingly urgent and growing list of assignments causes them anxiety and stress. To them, "multi-tasking" is not a dirty word but a badge of honor. Their behavior goes way beyond the normal […]

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