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January 22, 2018

Too Many Cooks: When Collaboration is a Recipe For Disaster!

You could feel the creative energy crackling around the room. Talented professionals brimming over with classy ideas, turning their thoughts into tautly-written TV masterpieces that would have the binge-watching masses transfixed and craving the next instalment. The Writers' Room. Yes, that was the answer. The way forward. The dream job. A "meeting of minds." The […]

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January 9, 2018

Recharge, Energize and Fill Your Bucket – #MTtalk Roundup

Peak hour traffic is terrible where I live. It takes me an hour to drive 20km. I rely on Maps on my iPhone to guide me to and through the least clogged routes to get home in the shortest possible time. On the last day of work before holidays, I was on my phone the […]

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December 12, 2017

Things That Interfere With My Family Time – #MTtalk Roundup

Present, But Disconnected Over the past few weeks, I've seen and heard a few things that emphasize how poorly we can sometimes choose to spend our family time. Recently, I was talking to a young father whose son is 11 months old. I asked him about his favorite way of interacting with his son. "When […]

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November 28, 2017

How to Ensure That Minorities Matter – #MTtalk Roundup

Turning a Blind Eye "There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true," Margaret Heffernan says in her book, "Willful Blindness." It is often easier to ignore the truth than to look it squarely in the eyes. To stare reality in […]

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November 16, 2017

Help! How to Save Yourself From Drowning in Notifications

Bridget checked Instagram over breakfast, then glanced at the text notifications on her cell. She replied to a few WhatsApps before heading off to work. Bridget’s office phone showed three voicemails. She ignored those. Then she logged on to her computer, where 108 new emails beckoned for her attention. Those would have to wait as well. […]

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October 9, 2017

A Survivor's Guide to Artificial Intelligence

I rented a luxury car recently, so that I could travel in style to my eldest son's wedding. I was delighted, primarily with the celebration, but also with the vehicle. The BMW 335d's power was phenomenal and its technology was mind-blowing, to such an extent that there were times when I wasn't sure who was […]


September 13, 2017

Your Top Tips on How to Make a Bad Day Better

Wouldn't it be great if every day could be a "walk in the park?" Unfortunately, sometimes you will have those days when you groan, "Why me?" Well, because bad days happen! Now for the good news. While you can't always avoid bad days, you can decide how to deal with them. Some people skulk around, chewing […]

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September 11, 2017

Can You Get a Promotion Ethically?

So, you think it's time to move up in your organization. Opportunities for promotion seem to be opening up, and you feel that the time is right to spread your wings. So what can you do? Schmooze the "big wigs" frantically? Sharpen your claws for a fight with the competition? The temptation may to do […]


June 29, 2017

Does Your Profession Reflect Who You Really Are?

Toni Morrison is a favorite author of mine, who recently brought to my mind one of life's fundamental questions: "Does the work that I do define me? Or is the 'real me' the person I am outside of my work?" What Defines You? In a recent article that she wrote for The New Yorker, Morrison […]


May 16, 2017

#MTtalk: Ageism in the Workplace

Discrimination on the basis of age is as unacceptable as discrimination on the basis of any other aspect of ourselves that we cannot change.  ∼ Ashton Applewhite, American writer and activist. How Ageism Happens On a recent flight, the passenger next to me started talking to me. I'm not the best at small talk, but I […]

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