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Leadership Blog Posts

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May 24, 2022

Observation, Judgment and Feedback – #MTtalk Roundup

"I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship." Brené Brown Observation. Judgment. Feedback. Three separate words with three separate meanings. Yet the more I contemplate these words, the […]


February 16, 2022

How Authentic Should You Be at Work?

There are infinite ways to be authentic. And organizations need to make us all feel safe to be ourselves. But we should also take an honest look at the impact of our authenticity

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November 11, 2021

Why Some Boards Work – and Some Don't!

"We had a clear goal, plus all the investment we needed to start. And we had fire in our bellies. We were new to the business world, but we were determined to make it big." - Jonathan Hancock


November 9, 2021

How Do You Run a Business? – #MTtalk Roundup

My grandpa was a wealthy man. He owned a successful transport business. His work ethic was beyond reproach. However, his inability to say "no" would eventually lead to his downfall


November 4, 2021

Flexible Working: Unraveling 35 Years of 9-to-5 Conditioning

I can work at times that match my physical and mental energy or take appropriate timeouts when I need a bit of headspace. As for working in the evening or at the crack of dawn to make up my hours, well, that's no chore when it's a personal choice.

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October 20, 2021

How to Be a Great Leader – Mind Tools Expert Voices

We weren’t friends with him. He was still our boss. But we all saw his empathic and supportive behavior in action. It brought us together as a team – firmly behind him as our leader


April 29, 2021

Lessons in Listening: My Expert Interview With Captain Mark Brouker

U.S. Navy captain Mark Brouker talks about his new book and the six critical leadership behaviors that he believes will make us better leaders


April 15, 2021

Radical Candor – The Truth Doesn't Always Need to Hurt

"Leaders are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work, to show that they’re human beings not just human doings." – Katherine Baldwin


April 8, 2021

What You Need From Managers in 2021 – Your Tips

As employees, we've had a whole new set of problems to contend with. So have the managers we look to for guidance

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October 1, 2020

Moody Leaders – and How Not to Be One

"You have power to make an employee's day enjoyable or miserable." - Bruna Martinuzzi

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