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May 28, 2021

What Generation Am I: Geriatric Millennial?

It's now possible to find yourself working with people from four different "generations." Definitions vary, but are they just stereotypes?


April 28, 2021

Back to the Office? Bring Your Emotional Intelligence

As businesses gradually return to the workplace after lockdown, Bruna Martinuzzi describes how emotional intelligence can help establish a sense of control

October 31, 2019

15 Brilliant Productivity Apps

These days there's an app for everything. They can range from the truly weird (like Nothing – literally a screen that shows the word "nothing" on it and does, well… absolutely nothing), to the utterly infuriating, yet fascinating (try Do Not Press The Red Button, where you seemingly have to avoid pressing a big red […]

August 22, 2019

NSFW: To Share or Not to Share?

How to stay out of social media trouble at work and what to do if it all goes wrong


April 18, 2019

Making Time for Learning When There's No Time to Think!

Learning at work can be a serious struggle. If you're stretched to the limit, and struggling with all the stuff that's already in your head, how can you possibly learn anything new? In one organization I worked for, learning came to feel downright impossible! Maybe this rings a bell for you. Information was coming thick […]

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November 1, 2018

Humanity Or Technology: Which Wolf Do You Feed?

Have the wonderful working opportunities promised by new smartphone tech been eroded by the replacement of real-life managers with algorithms and software? Mind Tools Founder and former CEO James Manktelow believes the time has come to protect and defend the "humanity" in management. A grandfather and his grandson are talking. The old man tells his […]


August 23, 2018

Should You Play Music at Work?

"Oh come on! Who put this song on AGAIN?!" "Are you kidding? It’s a classic." "I don’t care, it’s been on FIVE times today already!" At this point I look away and put my headphones on. Partly to drown out the commotion, but also because I can't stand that song, either. I want to listen […]


June 7, 2018

Your Top Tips for Making a Big Decision

What shall I have for lunch? Tuna or chicken sandwich? Easy. I prefer chicken, so chicken it is. Do I drive to the conference next week, or take the train? I’d have to get up crazy early to catch the train. On the other hand, I could get stuck in traffic if I drive. But […]

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March 5, 2018

Body Language: Speaking Without Words – #MTtalk Roundup

Body Language: a True Story Paying close attention to body language can have a significant effect at work. What follows is a true story! A few years ago I worked at a company where I was responsible for the human resources management. I was there for several years, and I got to know some of […]

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February 20, 2018

Recruitment Truth and Lies – #MTtalk Roundup

Recruitment: Two Sides of the Coin Recruitment is no "walk in the park" for employers, or for the people who are seeking employment. Each side is wary that the other may not be telling the whole truth. Or, that they can't or won't deliver on what they promise. So, it's important for both parties to […]

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