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"Expert interview" Blog Posts

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April 29, 2021

Lessons in Listening: My Expert Interview With Captain Mark Brouker

U.S. Navy captain Mark Brouker talks about his new book and the six critical leadership behaviors that he believes will make us better leaders


March 25, 2021

Empathy in Action: Our Expert Interview With Mimi Nicklin

How often do you say, "How can I help?" In this Expert Interview, we talk to Mimi Nicklin about the importance of leading with empathy and how one small question can make all the difference


February 25, 2021

Take Control of Your Time: Our Expert Interview With Ashley Whillans

Are you "time poor" or time rich? Have you ever even thought about it? In this month's Expert Interview, we talk to time-management expert Ashley Whillans about getting "time smart"


January 28, 2021

How to Become Indispensable: Our Expert Interview With Bruce Tulgan

You can't do everything for everybody. That means you have to do the right things at the right times for the right reasons


December 24, 2020

When Fear Shows Up: Our Expert Interview With Pippa Grange

In our latest Expert Interview, performance psychologist Pippa Grange talks to Mind Tools about fear – how it holds us back and what we can do about it


November 26, 2020

Making Sense of Change: Our Expert Interview With Susan Bridges

In this month's Expert Interview podcast, Susan Bridges talks to us about how to manage change in your team with her three-stage model of transition


October 29, 2020

Experts on Tap, Not on Top: Our Expert Interview With Vikram Mansharamani

How much should we rely on experts? In this month's Expert Interview podcast, Vikram Mansharamani tells us why we need to learn to think for ourselves


September 24, 2020

Five Steps to Empowering Others: Our Expert Interview With Frances Frei

Do you feel empowered at work? Inclusion expert Frances Frei shares her framework for unleashing the best in people.


August 27, 2020

The Power of Gratitude: Our Expert Interview With Adrian Gostick

In our latest Expert Interview podcast, author and consultant Adrian Gostick tells us why everything gets better when gratitude gets better


July 23, 2020

Questions to Seal the Deal: Our Expert Interview With Alexandra Carter

In our latest Expert Interview podcast, U.N. mediator Alexandra Carter walks us through her 10 questions for a successful negotiation – in any situation


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