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"Change" Blog Posts

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December 22, 2016

The Greiner Curve: Will Your Organization Sink or Swim?

What's the key to a successful business? Why do some sink and others swim? Is it just a case of having the right product at the right time? Or is it that the company is good at managing and deflecting crises when they arise? The Greiner Curve is a simple tool that lays out the […]

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July 28, 2016

Stop and Step Back From the Problem!

      Depending on how you view it, life is but a series of challenges to be overcome... How we approach and deal with these challenges determines the pattern and quality of our lives. Most of us are pretty adept at handling our challenges – the fact that the human race hasn't petered out […]

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July 4, 2016

How Do You Deal With Change at Work?

"Change is the only constant" ∼ Greek philosopher Heraclitus (535 B.C.-475 B.C.) Periods of change can be some of the most stressful and challenging times of our lives. Even positive changes can carry elements of uncertainty and self-doubt. Major changes in our personal circumstances, such as moving house or preparing for parenthood, can be both exciting and daunting. […]

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August 31, 2015

Live a Life That Matters

Sometimes it takes a shock to jolt us out of unhelpful habits. For Jason Garner, it was the premature death of his mother. He was 37 at the time and the loss hit him hard. "I cried. I went to therapy, a lot of therapy, and I started to really understand the programming that made […]

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August 10, 2015

Green is the New Black

I was looking forward to interviewing leading sustainability expert Wayne Visser for our Expert Interview podcast. The plan was to talk face-to-face but we ended up speaking via Skype instead. I’d like to say I chose technology over transport to reduce my carbon footprint, but actually the decision was more about timing. This got me […]

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