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"Motivation" Blog Posts

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December 13, 2018

How to Win at Work, and Keep Your Friends, Too!

"Did you hear Rick got another promotion?" "Seriously? I mean, I'm happy for the guy, but how come he got one and I didn't? We basically do the same job!" It's that time again. No, I don't mean Christmas. It's performance review time! ’Tis the season of promotions, salary increases, and juicy end-of-year bonuses. But […]

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September 4, 2018

Psychological Safety at Work – #MTtalk Roundup

"Respectful communication under conflict or opposition is an essential and truly awe-inspiring ability.” – Bryant McGill, American author Crashing a Quad Bike A few years ago I had a quad bike accident. We were on holiday, and we went for an ride in a mountainous forest over very rough terrain. It had rained heavily in […]

November 8, 2017

How to Motivate People – Your Top Tips

When it comes to motivational clichés, I've heard them all. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."  Or perhaps that old classic: "Keep calm and carry on." But, before you roll your eyes, clichés can work. Just look at Nike's world-famous "Just Do It" slogan. It's one that reportedly helped the company to increase its share […]


May 24, 2017

Your Top Tips on How to Boost Team Morale

It's not always easy to keep team morale high. Sometimes something as simple as working with a colleague who is in a bad mood or is having a bad day (go easy on them... it happens to the best of us!) can cause team spirit to nosedive. Luckily, these kinds of moods can be broken relatively […]

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February 9, 2017

The Difficulties of Defining Leadership

Curious about what leadership actually means? Me too. We all know leadership is critical to maximizing success, but what exactly is it? To grasp how difficult it is to precisely define leadership, just consider the title of a recent article from Business News Daily: "33 Ways to Define Leadership." In this blog post, we'll attempt to whittle […]

January 4, 2017

How to Stop Your Workload From Snowballing During the Holidays

Like many of you, yesterday was my first day back in the office after what I had hoped would be a serene and calming Christmas holiday (but what became – as per usual – a non-stop cavalcade of cooking, wrapping up presents, cooking, meeting up with friends and family, and yet more cooking). Saying that, it was […]


October 6, 2016

Goal Setting: Don't Lose Motivation!

When we set ourselves a goal, we usually do so in a flush of enthusiasm and optimism. It can be a New Year's resolution to get that beach body for the summer holidays, or a determination to finally achieve that long-held career ambition. But, a few months later, we're guiltily brushing cookie crumbs from our still […]


September 16, 2016

Unbending Oak or Flexible Reed?

Has anyone ever accused you of being controlling? Or maybe, the opposite… Do people see you as the laid back, flexible, easygoing manager in the office? Are You in Control? It can be easy to slip into micromanaging your team's workload down to even the smallest task. After all, things have got to be done […]

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September 6, 2016

Empowerment vs Entitlement – #MTtalk Roundup

Imagine this scenario: You're watching a medal ceremony during the Olympic Games. The gold medalist won with a clear margin, but the silver medalist kicks up a fuss because he thinks he's entitled to the gold. He insists on getting the gold medal, even though the competition was fair and the winner deserved his place. […]

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August 12, 2016

How I Found My Voice in My One-on-Ones

I've laughed in them, cried in them, been bored in them, and even shouted in them. No matter what your personal thoughts are about one-on-ones – whether you think they are a brilliant opportunity to get your voice heard, or you see them as a waste of time and would rather get rid of them for good […]


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