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Decision Making Blog Posts

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April 18, 2017

#MTtalk: Meetings – Herding Cats and Taming Alligators

Meetings Are Melting Pots While many of us try to "fit in" to a specific workplace culture, meetings often highlight different ways of thinking and doing things. It's because of how meetings work: we put a group of people in a room together to make a decision or to reach an agreement. Then, we discover that […]

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January 12, 2017

How Can We Make Our Predictions Foolproof?

Nowadays, the pace at which life changes seems faster than ever. Trends come and go, technology changes (almost daily), and don't even get me started on politics! Sometimes it feels as though you need to be able to predict the future just to keep up with all these new changes. You could go on your […]

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November 9, 2016

Improving Decision Making: Techniques, Tools and Tips

I hold my hands up. I'm terrible at decision making. From the most basic to the biggest of decisions, it can take me ages to make my mind up. The Perils of Too Much Choice Yes, it's great to have choice, and we've never had more choice than we do now. But sometimes it can […]


August 31, 2016

Brainstorming: Your Top Tips

Sometimes, it seems like group activities or sessions can suck all the life out of a team. What is it about team meetings that can turn a group of individually brilliant and creative people into a silent, uninspired ideas-vacuum? Perhaps people find team meetings too formal and structured. Maybe group dynamics, office politics, or different […]

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July 28, 2016

Stop and Step Back From the Problem!

      Depending on how you view it, life is but a series of challenges to be overcome... How we approach and deal with these challenges determines the pattern and quality of our lives. Most of us are pretty adept at handling our challenges – the fact that the human race hasn't petered out […]

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July 12, 2016

#MTtalk: Team Meetings: Do You Help, Hide or Hinder?

Maybe you're the exception to the rule and you absolutely love meetings, but many of us don't enjoy them. Some meetings drag on for hours, without adding much value. Other meetings are held for no better reason than that it's the usual routine to have them. Regardless of how we feel about them, we all […]

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May 31, 2016

Exploring Leadership Styles – #MTtalk Roundup

There's a well-known quote by E.M. Kelly that says, "Remember the difference between a boss and a leader. A boss says 'Go!' A leader says 'Let's go!'" In reality, this is a differentiation between two distinct leadership styles. The first is a commanding leader; the second is probably a servant leader or a transformational leader. […]

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May 23, 2016

Goal-Setting: Benefits and Cautions

Goals? Sure, I have them and I could more or less tell you what they are, but I didn't need to write them down like all those motivational speakers told me to do. Why? Like auditor Todd Weinman, I recoiled at the notion of being controlled – even when the "controller" is someone as likable […]

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January 5, 2016

Decisions, Decisions...

Google searching "leaders are decisive" resulted in 33.6 million hits. I must have leadership potential because I make hundreds of decisions every day. Many of my decisions are made in the bat of an eye. It was cloudy, so I grabbed a jacket on my way out the door. "Want to go to New York […]

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November 24, 2015

Think Carefully About Immediate Action!

I recently completed a self-assessment questionnaire, to discover what kind of learning best suited me. The assessment was based on a model created by Alan Mumford and Peter Honey, and it divides learners into one of four categories: activists, reflectors, theorists, and pragmatists. A good many of my Mind Tools colleagues took the same test, and the […]

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