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Empowerment Blog Posts

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December 29, 2021

Replace Your New Year Resolutions With a Hope Letter

You can lump people into two distinct groups: those who set New Year resolutions, and those who don't. But, maybe there's a third way

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October 26, 2021

New Shoots From Old: Growth After Cuts and Setbacks – #MTtalk Roundup

Setbacks can be tough - but they're also opportunities for growth. See some of the best responses we had from our recent Twitter Chat on this topic.

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August 31, 2021

Being Intentional: The Power of Focusing Our Energy – #MTtalk Roundup

"Mindfulness should be taught from school to college level.." - Dr Arif Maghribi


July 7, 2021

How to Turn Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions

What can we learn from the recently deceased "Father of CBT" Dr Aaron Beck? Identifying 10 types of distorted thinking.


July 6, 2021

Leaning Into Who You Are – #MTtalk Roundup

"It's common across cultures to please and prioritize others before you! Any time it's different then guilt sets in and we become apologetic." - @DhongdeSupriya

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June 30, 2021

What Pride Means to Us

Unable to celebrate Pride as we would have pre-COVID, we asked our colleagues and subscribers to share Pride memories, hopes and fears.

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March 5, 2021

Inspirational Women – Celebrating Champions of Change for International Women’s Day 2021

Which women do you look up to? Are they successful entrepreneurs, talented performers, or historic activists? International Women's Day is an opportunity to celebrate the women who have shaped the world. It also highlights inequalities that persist to this day. In honor of this year's theme #Choosetochallenge, we asked our colleagues at Mind Tools which […]

December 3, 2020

Your Money-Saving Tips

We asked our friends and followers for their money-saving tips, and they were rich with ideas

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November 12, 2020

Failing Well: When Love and Work Go Wrong

"I was single again. in a humdrum job, with no plans for the future. Disaster?"


October 14, 2020

Racism in the Workplace: No Laughing Matter

Jeffrey, Esh and Sai continue their conversation about exclusion in the workplace, racist jokes, and comments that "white lives matter"

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