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December 16, 2021

Unconscious Bias: I've Been Hiding in Plain View

"I don’t suffer the grinding, low-level, day-to-day discrimination experienced by people who don’t have the privilege I’ve enjoyed" – Simon Bell

November 11, 2021

Why Some Boards Work – and Some Don't!

"We had a clear goal, plus all the investment we needed to start. And we had fire in our bellies. We were new to the business world, but we were determined to make it big." - Jonathan Hancock


October 14, 2021

Why Listening Should Be Top of Our Lists

All I wanted was to be listened to, for five minutes. I’d still have been out of a job. But I might have left thinking I'd been valued


September 16, 2021

I Just Met My Remote Team IRL! – Back in the Office After Lockdown

"it's not until you go into an office and see how it's decorated, the layout, the furniture, the kitchen, that you get a true sense of the company you've joined" – James Pritchard


September 2, 2021

Coping With End of Furlough

"If we fail to pivot and transition successfully through the chapters of our working lives, tomorrow’s world will leave us behind." – Steven Edwards


August 12, 2021

Sell It Like Saul Goodman

Learn the secrets of sales from the master of persuasion


July 15, 2021

There Is No Right or Wrong Way to Grieve

"We must talk about death and prepare for it, out of love for those we’ll leave behind." - Katherine Baldwin


June 17, 2021

Three Reasons Answers Are More Important Than Questions

Every question starts as an imperfect answer that stimulates curiosity in the world


May 13, 2021

Diversity Dividend Pays off With Rebel Ideas

"We kind of look the same, too. Middle-aged, beer-bellied men, well past our physical peak. In short, we’re a diversity nightmare. " - Alastair Roy


April 15, 2021

Radical Candor – The Truth Doesn't Always Need to Hurt

"Leaders are encouraged to bring their whole selves to work, to show that they’re human beings not just human doings." – Katherine Baldwin


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