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"Communication" Blog Posts

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August 14, 2017

99 of the Best Business Acronyms Explained

Chances are that we all know our OMGs from our LOLs by now. But there are hundreds of acronyms out there that we could be using to make our lives and our jobs that little bit easier. They range from the weird and wonderful, to the highly technical and professional. So, if you're left scratching […]


May 24, 2017

Your Top Tips on How to Boost Team Morale

It's not always easy to keep team morale high. Sometimes something as simple as working with a colleague who is in a bad mood or is having a bad day (go easy on them... it happens to the best of us!) can cause team spirit to nosedive. Luckily, these kinds of moods can be broken relatively […]

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May 11, 2017

How to Avoid Becoming an Email Monster

We've come a long way since email was first invented. In fact, did you know that the first email was sent in 1971? That's right, we've been using email for nearly 50 years now! So, you'd think we'd be old pros at writing effective emails by now, right? Wrong! Poor Email Etiquette Can Escalate According to a […]

April 13, 2017

Presentations: Why You Need to Be Prepared!

I've been fortunate in not having to sit through a presentation that completely "bombed," and I've been doubly fortunate in that the few presentations that I've delivered left me, my audience, and my organization unscathed! But I've seen one or two that suffered technical hitches – projector bulbs blowing, dodgy microphones, and the like – and, once […]


March 27, 2017

My Boss Heard, But Was She Listening?

You are having a difficult conversation with your boss and are confident that he or she is listening closely – then comes the sting in the tail, "I hear what you're saying, BUT…" It dawns on you that she hasn’t been listening at all. In fact, as things stand, the opposite of what you would like […]

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March 23, 2017

Take the Sting Out of Reorganization

The whispers have started. Daniel, who plays squash with Lorraine, the director of marketing's executive assistant, told Asha that the company's about to undergo a reorganization. It could result in it being downsized and streamlined. Four divisions will become three. Or was it two? Anyway, there'll be job losses across the board, maybe as early as […]

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March 1, 2017

Your Top Tips for Working in a Virtual Team

Remote working is no longer just a trend or a "sign of things to come." It's already a way of life for thousands of organizations and millions of virtual team members. It's easy to appreciate the attractions of a remote workforce. Employers can access skills and expertise from around the world, and it can reduce the costs of office space. […]


February 14, 2017

Is Feedback Just Thinly Disguised Criticism?

#MTtalk: Please join us! What: #MTtalk Where: Twitter When: Friday, Feb 17 @ 1pm EST (6pm GMT) Topic: Is It Criticism or Feedback? Host: @Mind_Tools About this week’s chat "Long after your words are forgotten, people still remember how you made them feel." – Maya Angelou The other morning my husband and I overslept and […]

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December 29, 2016

How to Run a Negotiation Like the FBI

Professional negotiators know all the tricks. Their ability to persuade using words, and sometimes silence, is akin to hypnosis in its power. So I was curious, and just a bit wary, to talk to former FBI hostage negotiator Chris Voss for our Expert Interview podcast. Would he use any of his negotiation techniques on me? […]

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December 15, 2016

Conform or Rebel - Which Is Wiser?

Are you a conformist or a rebel? I know that "either/or" questions are grossly unfair, and there are certainly many ideal locations between these two extremes, but it's a good place to begin a discussion. So, what will it be, conform or rebel? Kevin Spacey says it depends upon your age: “If you haven't turned […]

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