Comments on: Do You Have "Fixer Syndrome"? - #MTtalk Roundup Mind Tools Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:40:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sarah Harvey Mon, 14 Nov 2022 17:10:37 +0000 In reply to Left Desperate!.

Hi Tammy,

Oh dear, you do seem to have a bad case of 'fixer syndrome' don't you? Thanks for sharing your experiences, which I am sure others will be able to relate to.

Well, I have good news for you - the first step is recognizing it's causing problems. But of course, the next step, which can be more difficult, is to see if you can reprogram your behavior.

I find it useful to remind myself that we are all different and sit somewhere along a sliding scale. Then it is worth reflecting on the fact that people respond to different techniques. The stark truth is many people don't respond well to bluntness - this is because we are hard-wired for human connection so if we don't allow some time for 'small talk' people can feel very disconnected from us. So my suggestion to you would be to reframe what you perceive as 'fluff' and instead focus on what you can talk about with people to help build good working relationships with them - this may help you see it as having a purpose.

Hope this helps,

Mind Tools Coach

By: Left Desperate! Fri, 11 Nov 2022 09:53:06 +0000 Hi:
I think I have the worst case of "Fixer" syndrome ever. It literally controls me. I feel the need to fix everything and most of the time I do. I am fairly smart and mostly its people that come to me for help but when they do I can't just guide them, I take over the entire situation and fix it myself because it's much easier and faster then trying to teach them how to do it.
How do I stop doing this. People get upset with me because of my bluntness, I'm VERY factual. (Legal field) and I have basically been told that I need to learn how to eeeaaassseee into a me that is adding fluff....comments like that are what gets me into trouble.....Please Help!

By: Sonia Harris Sat, 26 Feb 2022 18:29:35 +0000 In reply to How To Become A Fixer – Pietroortolani.

That's a good point, Pietroortolani. The one thing that stood out to me was that Carol did not first ask Jim if he were okay or needed help because she noticed a particular action. Based on his response, this could open the door to further discussion but she saw the signs and ran away with them.

Mind Tools Coach

By: How To Become A Fixer – Pietroortolani Sat, 26 Feb 2022 14:01:08 +0000 The desire to “fix” people, or not wanting them to experience pain, usually comes from good intentions. Fixers like Carol mean well. Their need to step in and help often originates from their own experiences of needing help.
