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Megatrends Reshaping the Future: The Crucial Role of L&D in Business Transformation 

The third and final 2023 Annual L&D Benchmark Report explores the modern L&D role and how it can support business transformation in the context of three megatrends: digitalization, climate change and demographic shifts.
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The task of predicting L&D’s future is challenging but not impossible. So far in this year’s three-part report series, we’ve reflected on the journey L&D teams have shared over the last 20 years. We've identified practices that define top-performing organizations and consulted data collected from learning leaders, business leaders and employees to establish key areas that organizations should prioritize today (such as strategic and business alignment). Armed with this knowledge, this report concentrates on the evolving landscape of workplace learning to identify how L&D teams can prepare to meet the changing needs of the business.

The report covers:

  • Digital intelligence as an essential L&D capability
  • Using technology to support key learning approaches
  • The impact of climate change on employment and skill building
  • Developing innovative learning cultures
  • Leveraging multi-generational workforces

Meet our researchers

Anna Barnett

Senior Researcher, Mind Tools for Business
With a strong background in academic research, Anna completed her PhD in 2020 and is now a core member of our Impact & Insights team. Anna specializes in producing high-quality, comprehensive, and topical evidence-based reports for the L&D community.

Gent Ahmetaj

Head of Research, Mind Tools for Business
Gent is Head of Research for Mind Tools for Business. He's a mixed-methods specialist focusing on how learning and organizational development can have real positive impact on key business metrics. Gent and his team of qualitative and quantitative researchers are responsible for improving data collection and analysis, writing research reports, and building inter-disciplinary research partnerships.

Stats you can trust

Most of the data in this report is collected online from learning leaders who take part in the Learning Performance Benchmark. The Learning Performance Benchmark is a free resource that helps L&D professionals to reflect on their learning strategies, think about and prepare for the future, and compare their learning maturity against other organizations. Thanks to the many organizations that have taken part in the Benchmark over the last 20 years, today we have a growing dataset of responses from more than 11,000 L&D leaders.

For this report, we have also drawn on the Learning Performance Benchmark data for 2023, which is new for this year. This data has been collected from 912 learning leaders worldwide, across 19 different industries.

Please leave your details to access report.

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