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"Expert interview" Blog Posts

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April 28, 2022

Why Psychological Safety Matters: My Expert Interview With Amy Edmondson

What is "psychological safety" and why is it so important in the workplace? Professor Amy Edmondson explains all in this month's Expert Interview podcast

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March 24, 2022

Rethinking Health at Work: My Expert Interview With Sir Cary Cooper

Cary Cooper talks to Mind Tools about how a "healthy" workplace might look a little different from the way you imagine it

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January 27, 2022

Redefining Inclusion: My Expert Interview With Ella Bell Smith and Stella M. Nkomo

Inclusivity experts Stella M. Nkomo and Ella Bell Smith on redefining inclusivity, and why they decided to reissue their landmark book 20 years on


December 30, 2021

Dorie Clark's "The Long Game" – Wise Optimism From an Expert Friend

Bruna Martinuzzi takes us through the latest book from professor, entrepreneur and LGBT+ role model, Dorie Clark


November 25, 2021

You'll Never Make It If You Fake It: My Expert Interview With Sabrina Horn

"Fake it till you make it!" It's a piece of advice we hear a lot. But what if it does more harm than good? Mind Tools talks to Sabrina Horn on leaving "faking it" behind


October 21, 2021

Celebrating Black History Month: Overcoming Fear and Jeopardy in the Pursuit of Dreams

October marks Black History Month in the U.K. To celebrate, we're looking back at some of the most inspirational stories we've had the privilege to record as part of our Expert Interview series. Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones AKA "The Black Farmer" Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, self-titled "The Black Farmer," was born in Jamaica, but he and his family moved […]

September 30, 2021

The Future Is All in Your Mind: My Expert Interview With April Rinne

Can you predict the future? Mind Tools talks to futurist April Rinne about dealing with change and preparing for the unexpected


September 22, 2021

Take Charge of Your Time – Mind Tools Expert Voices

Recently I've gained more choices about how to organize my time. And it's made me look more closely at how well I'm really doing it


August 26, 2021

How Instincts Rule Our Choices: My Expert Interview With Matthew Willcox

Nudging people's decisions with their own instincts can be a powerful tool. But one that should be wielded carefully and ethically


May 27, 2021

When You Can't See the Real Problem: My Expert Interview With Kristen Cox

"They felt like they were tackling the problem. The truth is they weren't even addressing it: they hadn't figured out what it really was."


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